Friday, February 26, 2010


I love flower....

When i saw the flower it can make me happy....

Their so many kind of flower like lotus, lily,orchid,roses and bougainvillaea, sunflower and another else.

Between all the flower i like roses because roses have are kind of colour examples red, yellow,pink,purple,and black roses.

The difference types colour of roses have own meaning and i like are pink and white roses but there are so many colour.

Example,pink roses signify elegance,gentility,and poetic romance. It also signify to sympathy and friendship,while dark pink is symbolic of appreciate and thankfulness.

Yellow roses signify of jealousy but today the yellow roses also signify to friendship,familiar love and domestic.
White roses are sometimes their called the "flower of light". They symbolize unity, sincerity, loyalty, purity, and a love stronger than death.

Red roses signifies love and passion,true red is the roses for lovers. I am so interested to open a florist shop business because i want all people happy like me when their accept the flower.

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