Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Momentary at ILPKK

ILPKK or Institut LatihanPerindustrian Kota Kinabalu

There, i took Industry product design or IPD course. If i still there maybe i become a designer in industry product but it so difficult to sketch and create a new product. it is so hard to me because this is not my ambition. However, i have been create one product it's called "gelang berlampu", actually this is my friend suggestion because my lecture not accept my sketch. Actually not all she not accept my idea but don't have are enough material to make the one of my product. She accept the one of my product it is called "rak hiasan or rak kecil ".

This product will be make are moke -up but to making it the material not enough. Actually, not make are real product but just examples to tell her what the advantages and new thing have own product.
Then, she tell me to sketch a new product.That why my friend suggest me to make his product.not so hard to skecth the product but to find what the different of the product so hard because not my product. I think it not so hard to became designer when we a interested the work but must have are creative and innovative,and have are innovation.

1 comment:

  1. opsss, boyfriend or special bf?huhu You must be a creative girl. Designer need more idea and creativity.. I agree with you.It is difficult if you not interest that subject.
